Molly Whitehead

BOB - Bringing Old Back

Bachelor of Design Ethical High end fashion Re-purposing Streetwear Sustainable Upcycling Womenswear Anti-fashion Climate change Craft Education Made to last Materiality Narrative New Zealand-ness Political imperatives Slow Sustainability The past reimagined

Molly Whitehead (2021). Gretchen Jacket. Up-cycled Canvas Tent.
AD21 Award
Finalist in the ECC NZ Student Craft / Design Awards
Entry: Sustainable In-Tent 

Sustainable. Affordable. Ethical.

As a means to convert fast fashion consumers into conscious customers and thereby minimising an individuals’ carbon footprint, locally sourced existing materials are repurposed to create affordable sustainable alternatives to well-known streetwear styles.

This body of work is all about B.O.B. - Bringing Old Back to life through the creation of sustainable, ethical, and affordable clothing. As a result of this process of collecting, designing and making I am able to educate consumers of fast fashion about the negative impacts of their purchases on our planet.

Donated objects and materials are intentionally repurposed – vintage canvas tents and inners, wool blankets, discarded denim jeans and jackets are repurposed and given new life. The memory of the original use and purpose of an object sits within the materiality of the newly made garment.

This body of work represents an estimated 21kgs of personal carbon footprint, offset by volunteering for building tasks in my community with environmental outcomes.