Lucy Marsden

Dancing Into the Building

Bachelor of Design Architectural Design Interior Design Narrative Performance Public

Located within the interiors of Imperial Lane, an unexpected dance studio awaits as a space supplied for choreographers to expose the naturally performative enactments of dance practices. A carefully crafted, striking pavilion facade situates itself between where the interiors intersect into Fort Lane, allowing for the traditional conventions of a dance studio to be open to the laneway, the passer-by, the public. Performative activations and mark making documented from my site observations formed this dialogue between body, space and movement, where these explorative narratives transmuted into built structures to become a series of material rhythms.

By drawing insight to reveal what occurs behind the curtain, the pre performance, the rehearsal space, Dancing Into the Building aimed to invigorate the city by providing a platform for expressive, dance practices to shape, redefine and reconsider urban environments in a completely new way. My design introduced an unfamiliar form of programming into the city, one that is intended to serve its inhabitants in an unaccustomed way, eliciting a transposing in habitual worlds where they became captivated by the unexpected gestures composed within these transitional spaces.