Renee Henry

Fort Street Markets

Bachelor of Design Event Design Interior Design Photography Collaboration Community Public

Cinema to me is the art of storytelling through visual media using techniques of perspective, framing and sound. The Fort Street Markets gives individuals and communities the opportunity to become temporary characters in the narrative of Auckland itself by celebrating two important aspects of the city's history - volcanism and trading.

My design is made up of three permanent components: curved perspex sculptures with a dichroic film applied, fluorescent blue acrylic market stalls and curved benches made from decorative concrete.

I’ve aimed to develop a sculptural field for the markets to take place within. The space becomes activated by the presence of light as the dichroic film splits the light-transmitting colours of the spectrum from every angle. The stalls themselves are built to move between active and dormant stages. The lightweight materials of the stalls allow vendors to activate them whenever they please by lifting, rotating and securing them with a pin.

The new market space celebrates Auckland's constant commercial growth within a site that has always been a conduit for trade. This notion of trade has now been reinterpreted through this design to carry the precious cargo of a thriving neighbourhood which I believe is culture, creativity and community.