Parneet Judge

The Blue Walk

Bachelor of Design Architectural Design Interior Design

A Walkway Installation design for Fort lane.

My project Blue Walk explored how colour may alter one's perception of their surroundings. I was fascinated by how colour can be used to create atmospheres that alter emotions and transition between scenes. Colour became my driving concept along with these five key conceptual terms; colour, emotion, rhythm, atmosphere, perception. I aimed to change the experience of traveling through Fort Lane to create one that becomes more engaging and interesting.

Located in Auckland City's Fort Lane, my proposal invites people to travel through a walkway of various blue tones. The glass panels provide a simultaneous perception of what is next as they walk down the lane through alternative pathways. The colour blue, along with repeated abstract visuals, is used to augment and enhance the space and visitors' experience of dreams that is opposed to reality. The visuals enact the idea of walking through the water referencing the first extension of land out into the sea, reminding people of what used to lie below. Furthermore, it allows visitors to participate in a kaleidoscopic and complex visual experience that will be unique to each individual depending on how blue reflects on them. A white structure in the middle forms an open seating area where people can rest, regulating the movement of people through the space from fast to slow and representing the unsteady flow of water.