Oscar Norris

The Daily Blur

Bachelor of Design Editorial Motion Graphics Publication Web Zines Collaborative Diversity LGBTQI Storytelling


Biological sex determination. Two micro-transactions from the offset shape the way a person chooses to live their life. The twin pathways of masculinity and femininity that have been kept separate through narratives of religion, government, and commercialism have been reclaimed for free thought and individual choice. The Daily Blur creates discussion and observation amongst a generation who are aware of the ever-shifting nature of gender and sex.


Gender Theory Design is an exploration into how Communication Design has created visual tropes which have reinforced gender stereotypes. From things as simple as blue for boys and pink for girls, The Daily Blur is both a physical and digital artefact that aims to create designs through 'creative coding' that exist beyond arbitrary gendering and communicate content without connotation.

As designers, there is a responsibility to recognise that our skills are used to strategically convey a message through technical applications. This requires consideration of biases that may be embedded in our design choices. The question being asked in this project is; does the reinforcement of binary gender through design, limit our potential to reach a wider audience?