Scarlet Billingham

The Thoughtful Recycle Guide

Bachelor of Design Illustration Publication Health and wellbeing Sustainability

A small guide to help reduce plastic waste

Plastic has become a part of our everyday life. Almost every human being touches it at some point in the day. Our world’s population sits roughly at 7.8 billion people, that’s 7.8 billion pieces of plastic used daily and most likely disposed of within seconds of its use. Zero waste is cost-effective and is possible to achieve if we all start to take action, right now. This 90 page illustrated manual is a small insight into what we could do as humans to help prevent it from entering our waterways and harming our precious ocean life. It explains how to recycle plastic the correct way as well as a visual alternative to swap out plastic with harmless materials. These are only a few changes we could do to start making a difference and reducing the amount of plastic used day today.

In this day and age, we are continually bombarded with ways in which we could be doing better, better ways to save the planet, better ways to eat, and better ways to give back. With all these constant conflicting messages it can become overwhelming and leave you feeling lost and confused. The Thoughtful Recycle Guide book is filled with tips and advice on my own personal approach towards the plastic waste problem.

Not only do I explain my own journey but encourage you to start your own, so that we can all create a difference in our beautiful world, every day. I hope this book is enjoyed by those who are interested in making a difference. I encourage you to let the book guide you on your own path to becoming a conscious consumer and aware of plastic waste, just like I have been and continue to learn about every day.