Simon Roberts

We're All Alone Together

Bachelor of Design Illustration Print Design Publication Typography Health and wellbeing Narrative Storytelling


For the final project of my university voyage, I want to create work that is personal to me, while also showcasing my strengths in the design field. Over the years, specifically last year and this year of isolated lockdowns, I have struggled with being alone or forced reclusion, as are a lot of people I assume. We're All Alone Together showcases themes of isolation, solitude and loneliness – exploring aspects of each and expressing them through illustration. I want to explore their similarities, differences, and how they intersect and overlap each other.

We're All Alone Together

In the final semester, we were given the opportunity to curate our own brief. I wanted my final project to be something I was really invested in and could relate to easily, while also showcasing my strengths.

My brief went through many stages of change, but I finally decided on the one topic of “surrounding themes of solitude, isolation and loneliness”.

I decided on this topic because it's something I connect to heavily, and I think everyone who views this work may identify with some aspects of the project. The topic is mainly self-authored, so it is personal - but I did ask for ideas/opinions in the form of questionnaires I put on my Instagram (e.g. Where do you feel at peace? Where do you feel lonely etc).

As I mentioned earlier, I wanted to showcase my design strengths — illustration and bookmaking. I wanted to use a substantial amount of analog media/techniques. Sadly, as I was just falling back in love with all of the analogous media, lockdown returned again, thus I had to return back to my digital media. Thankfully, my iPad is a good bridge between digital and analog.

I believe that my project is important in terms of self-expression, and conversation prompts surrounding these themes. I hope my work connects to some individuals and portrays my interpretations freely and fully.