Kelvin Lam

Be a PRO-crastinator

Bachelor of Design Illustration Education Health and wellbeing Performance

A campaign that uses reverse psychology as a strategy.

Be a PRO-crastinator is a campaign committed to lending a helping hand to those that procrastinate.

Be a PRO-crastinator is a campaign committed to lending a helping hand to those that procrastinate.

This campaign’s primary focus is the impacts of procrastination on education but it also has a second focus relating to the effects of procrastination on a person’s health. Be a PRO-crastinator uses reverse psychology as a strategy to create both an effective and a playful campaign.

University students are the target audience for this campaign however people in the working industries are also likely to have experienced procrastination at some point in their lives. Procrastination is an issue that can lead to academic issues, financial issues, relationship issues and worsened mental and physical health.