Andrew Lee

Bean Lab

Bachelor of Design Product Design Food Homeware Sustainability

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AD22 Award
Outstanding Y3 Project
For excellence in Industrial Design

A Custom Coffee Bag Machine

With over a billion coffee drinkers globally it is amongst one of the most common daily rituals people take part in. The Bean Lab was a passion project to explore and investigate the ritualistic user behaviors through their first morning brew. The design concept was driven by the opportunity to provide users with the simplicity and versatility of a genuine cup of coffee without compromising taste.

The bean lab project appeals to the many coffee drinkers who are looking for a sustainable, convenient and genuine source of caffeine. The designed coffee bag allows for a versatile and customizable experience that no alternatives in the market offers. Able to produce a custom coffee bag with a selection of aromas, dosage and grind profile on demand means every brew is fresh and tailored to ones palette.

The fully aluminium exterior and its minimal form was a design direction realized in order to re-envision the 'coffee bag' as a premium alternative to convenient sources of coffee. With great attention to detail and a heavy focus on the user experience, the minimal user controls and sleek profile provides a unique and bold visual identity within the otherwise cluttered home kitchen and office cafeteria. The coffee bag is a truly versatile option of coffee consumption as it allows for a variety of brewing methods. Tear open the top for a portable filter coffee, leave it in a bottle of ice water overnight for a cold brew or just enjoy it like an ordinary tea bag. With the bags also being highly compostable it is a truly sustainable alternative to the mass market capsule style coffee that is so common in the post pandemic era.