Lily Yi

Cheer Pets

Bachelor of Design App Augmentation Human Centred Design Interaction Mobile UI UX Community Health and wellbeing Play Social User-centred

De-stress with your virtual pet.

Cheer Pets is an app that prioritises the user's wellbeing by giving them a virtual pet as they carry out relaxing activities.

My journey for this project was difficult, and the ongoing stress drove me to consider how I could overcome that problem. During research, I discovered that Generation Z were significantly more stressed than older generations, and the pandemic only worsened the problem. As a result, it got me thinking; how can I create a platform where it can help de-stress and keep my users motivated for the long run?

With more research and user interactions, I created Cheer Pets. Cheer Pets is more than just a virtual pet game, it encourages users to engage in activities. Each activity has been shown to reduce stress levels, and new activities will be made available daily. The exercises not only benefit the user but also provide benefits that can be utilised towards the pet. Cheer Pets also strives to strengthen friendships and build communities, by encouraging users to add friends and connect with one another to complete unique activities. Aiming to help users feel less trapped and alone by interacting with their loved ones which lifts their mood.