Jane Kyeong


Bachelor of Design App Experience Design Human Centred Design Interaction Mobile Service UI UX Health and wellbeing Prototype Sustainability Technology User-centred

Grocery management assistant tool

KeepFresh project mainly pursues an assisting service to encourage people to cook at home rather than eat out for their optimal healthy menu. Eating out has been getting more excessive among busy modern people, making them intake too many artificial ingredients without knowing it. However, through research, I learnt that it is vital to cook and eat to keep our health status fit. Nevertheless, modern people often find it hard to manage their groceries, which makes them stay away from cooking. They also frequently forget what groceries they have at home and dump expired stuff and feel tired of them. I wanted to resolve these inconvenient issues and help people cook at home and buy groceries more efficiently and regularly by creating a grocery management application, so they eat more and maintain a healthy status.

This application enables users to view and manage groceries anytime and anywhere to avoid purchasing the same item that they already have and finish items before they get expire. Also, the users can not only manually add but take photos of the items' barcodes to add them to the application. Finally, if any supermarket's data is sharable, KeepFresh can be connected to its application for automatic data entry straight after the shopping to resolve the cumbersome process of adding items.