Aloisia Ngata

Lolotonga 'Etau Tatali - While We Wait

Master of Visual Arts Visual Arts
AD22 Award
Toi Māia Award
For cultural contribution to mātauranga Māori and indigenous knowledge

This research project entails an embodied practice of unfolding my family koloa (cultural wealth and knowledge) through print design, contemporary ngatu (traditional clothe made from bark cloth from the mulberry tree) and garment making.

As a daughter of Tongan women, I ackowledge my responsibility to koloa by utilising motifs and repetition in my designs. My research is centred on the methodology of fakafetongi (exchange) which brings forward connections to my tohihokohoko (genealogy).

This project seeks to develop, protect and preserve traditional Tongan textile making processes by amalgamating traditional and new methods of making. I explore the preparation of what I will contribute to our family koloa, which is ultimately for my nieces to unravel when they are ready.