Ruowen Duanmu


Bachelor of Design Publication Autoethnographic Narrative

A journey about self-discovery

"Memories" is a project about international student loneliness.
Inspired by my personal experience of studying abroad. It explores the lives of international students and the reasons why they develop a sense of loneliness when studying abroad, i.e. language, culture, isolation, and sense of belonging. The research purpose is "how to create a visual narrative inspired by my study abroad experience through image production".

The research purpose of the project is "how to create a visual narrative inspired by my study abroad experience through image production", using the narrative method of a diary to describe my real study abroad experience and feelings, and visualizing creation through the combination of illustrations and photos. Projects include physical publications, and manuals, housed in a story box.
The project started from the first day I arrived in Auckland, followed by the first time I stayed at the homestay, the difficulties I faced in my studies, independent living, etc., and described the study abroad life I gradually adapted to, as well as my self-reflection and self-growth process.
The project is practice-led, with my perspective appearing in the images through illustration instead.  Hoping to bring a sense of belonging to international students, and to give those people who expect to study abroad insight into life abroad.
Also, as an add-on to the publication, the Healing Handbook offers nine simple program options for international students looking to ease their loneliness.