Jade Chambers

Second Nature

Bachelor of Design Illustration Print Design Web Design Climate change Social Good Sustainability
AD22 Award
Datacom Award
For distinction in graphic design

Sustainable Home Habits Campaign

The home is a place of comfort, but should we really feel so comfortable in a place creating so much waste? Second Nature is a sustainable home habits campaign aimed at raising awareness about the amount of waste our daily habits around the home create. The campaign explores the rooms of the home and the wasteful products used in them. It contributes to the current climate crisis, in a world dominated by consumerism; acting as a tool to combat the depletion of our greater home, earth.

Producing plastic waste has become a part of our everyday routines, and we often go without thinking twice about it. The campaign allows the viewer to think twice about their habits, providing small changes they can make towards a more sustainable lifestyle. Its target audience of the campaign is young adults who are starting to build habits as they progress towards adulthood, perhaps moving out of home for the first time.

The artefacts produced for this campaign include a series of posters, a set of educational zines and digital collateral including a campaign website and Instagram page. In the campaign's design, I ensured that minimal waste was produced, without compromising on the tactility of physical artefacts. This meant opting for recycled paper and designing at a small scale with minimal packaging.

A humorous and witty approach was used in order to create a sense of approachability to a somewhat overwhelming topic. This was achieved by the fun illustration style and use of exaggeration. The use of a colour system across the campaign establishes what is ‘unsustainable’ and what is ‘green’, ensuring it is easy to follow. The range of assets ensures that the viewer leaves the campaign with greater knowledge of the topic, feeling optimistic about how their small changes can make a difference in combatting plastic pollution.