Swetha Susan Mammen

The Little Book of Adventure

Bachelor of Design Illustration Paper Engineering Typography World-building Narrative Storytelling

Weave Me a Story: an interactive storybook series

We are all creatures of story — we all have stories to tell. But whether we can weave this into a masterful story is an ability the storyteller cultivates over time. Stories are a place of infinite possibilities where nothing is illogical or condemned. Having free reign to imagine, to be unconfined to a box means having limitless creativity.

The project aims to tap into this creativity by improving one’s storytelling skills. A series of pop-up 'books', each which represent a commonly found scene from fairy tales has been created with the intent to encourage children to combine them in whichever sequence they see fit to produce a story. I have created a multi-layered fantasy world using colourful, whimsical illustrations in the hopes that it would inspire them to explore their creative side.

The main target audience for the project are young children because they are creatures of story who have no difficulty constructing make believe worlds. But little time is given for this imaginative play in schools. I believe we must nurture this talent and help them flourish because unlike written stories, oral stories that children create themselves, stimulates their imagination and creativity. It also helps improve their communication skills, their ability to engage in conversations, their emotional awareness and creative thinking.