Bede Bennett


Bachelor of Design 3D Exhbition and Event Design Activism Digital Fabrication Prototype Social Good Social Innovation

A new high score for Auckland local election turnout

Voter turnout in Auckland local elections has steadily declined in recent years. There is a particular struggle to capture interest from younger voters (those aged approximately 20 to 30). The mail-in system has been the primary subject to blame for low voter turnout in the super city. The aim of this exegesis is to explore how a series of experiential design outcomes might exist in civic spaces with the aim of increasing voter turnout and ease of access to voting for postal elections in Auckland, New Zealand.

This work focuses on the visual interest that is lacking in the current system, and explores some ways to create a more exciting alternative to propose to election facilitators. Design agencies with a focus on social impact design (such as Curative and Hyperakt) and three-dimensional typography in public spaces were key influences in this work. Use of three-dimensional modelling software allowed for fast and affordable prototyping.

The outcome of this research is a proposal document for Auckland Council. The proposal outlines a new vision for engaging younger voters with a visually intriguing installation design for civic spaces in Tāmaki Makaurau, Auckland, along with supporting materials as part of a wider campaign.