Nicola Donald

“All The Ways I Tried To Reach You”

Master of Visual Arts Craft Installation Sculpture Hand-made

All the Ways I Tried to Reach You is a practice-led research project focused on giving a visual life to an invisible horizon – that of the internal subjective experience. This is a veiled space between the Self and the Other. To define the visual terrain of this indeterminate space, I use an object-based installation practice that is responsive to the affective qualities of materials, objects, and arrangements. The practice is initiated using processes and materials whereby making brings form into existence rather than form driving the making, and, progressing through attunement to how each component articulates the invisible as entangled assemblages. This exploration involves processes like painting, felting, papermaking, stitching, assembling, and reassembling. The installation encounter aims to signal the there-ness of multiple inner worlds (artist and viewer) and to tug at underused senses to bring a presence to this gapbetween Self–Other.