Isobel Edmunds

An Open Door

Bachelor of Design Experience Design Retail Experience Spatial Narrative Community Health and wellbeing Place-making

The process of  An Open Door

A perspective drawing looking into An Open Door from the street.
AD23 Award
IDEA top undergrad
For excellence in Spatial and Interior Design

A comic retail store

The gutters are such an important part of the comic story, yet they tend to go unnoticed as the reader's eye is caught by the illustrations. Without the occupation of imagination in the gutters, the story wouldn’t unravel. Our world is filled with a series of private spaces that we occupy; these spaces are just like the pictures in comics. Yet, much like the narrative flow of a comic book, we must travel along the in-between to occupy these spaces.
Comic book retail store, An Open Door celebrates the gutters rather than overlooking them, creating a space for the marginalised in our society. An Open Door is a public store that invites everybody in. People can come to read and buy comics made by artists or to share and create their own experiences through a comic strip, which they are invited to share with others in our community.