Dominic Tess


Bachelor of Design Illustration Retail Experience Spatial Narrative Fabrication Narrative Story-telling

The appearance of an exterior may seem ordinary,  until you enter the building you discover the unexpected. Awaken is a retail gallery space that explores the concept of depression and melancholy as a result of grief. A space that emphasises the effect of someone experiencing depression and how that is portrayed from a 2D graphic to a 3D atmosphere through materiality and colour palette.

My design is inspired by the manga Goodnight Punpun, written by Japanese manga artist Inio Asano. A story of an 11 year old who loses his loved ones and lives with depression for the rest of his life; Asano's perspective of depression towards the young youth. The manga will be sold in my store for participants to recognise the ugliness and sadness of grief from a graphic standpoint.

The concepts conveyed in the space are confusion, reflection, darkness and acceptance; a series of emotions that occur after a loss. The participants will follow a linear path where they will experience each space and feel immersed in the realm of depression. The purpose of my programme is for them to take away, Asano's perspective of grief and how that affects  a teenager. I want readers to understand the concept of grief in hopes they are awakened to the effects of depression.