Helaina Sealesford

Coming To Our Senses

Bachelor of Design Editorial Experience Design Social Good


A practice-led research inquiry exploring the importance of both sensory design and sensory awareness in the wake of a technology-centric lifestyle.

‘Coming To Our Senses’ successfully engages its audience in an innovative tactile experience, communicating the imperativeness of cultivating our innate human ability to perceive and experience the world through each of our senses, especially within the context of an increasingly digitised existence. This practice-led research inquiry challenges prevalent digital design practices and goes beyond visual elements in order to offer a more immersive and interactive experience. Aiming to instigate a collective awakening to the richness of sensory experiences and urging individuals to be present and consciously aware of their sensory engagements. While simultaneously inspiring creatives to produce work that deliberately nurtures a variety of the senses, providing opportunities for people from all walks of life to partake in meaningful and memorable sensory journeys.