Kaylee Joy Woolley


Bachelor of Design Design for Sustainability Education Food Sustainability

Food waste For Our Future

Every day, a significant number of individuals pass through a food court, consuming food and discarding their food waste in a general bin before continuing on their way. This particular bin serves as a catalyst for individuals to contemplate their food waste and how they can utilise it to benefit the environment. CoreCare collects people's food waste in the food court bin throughout the day. This waste is then sorted and fed to the worms residing in the compartment below.

The bin is divided into three compartments. The first compartment, known as the active area, contains fresh food waste and the worms. The second compartment consists of worm castings, also known as compost. Lastly, the third compartment serves as the collection area for worm tea.

CoreCare's approach to waste management promotes awareness and encourages individuals to actively participate in reducing food waste and its impact on the environment.