Karen Li

Cubipet: 9-5 Fitness Assist

Bachelor of Design App UI UX Collaborative Health and wellbeing User-centred
AD23 Award
Ask Nicely Award
Excellence in User Interface

A fitness assistant tool for sedentary workers and students.

Cubipet is an app designed for Apple watch, catered towards students and new Gen-Z office workers to help them ease into their jobs. The purpose is to relieve the pain and health problems associated with sedentary workers, such as neck and back tension, migraine headaches, and eye strain.

Cubipet helps you to stay relatively active throughout the workday, in hopes of relieving some of the symptoms associated with sitting for too long. It reminds you to take breaks, stretch, go for a walk around the office with friends and even offers some hidden exercises you can do right at your desk.

By giving tasks spread throughout the day, it adds up to your weekly activity. Once you've burnt enough kilojoules to receive an achievement, another pet is added to your collection as a manifestation of your efforts! You can directly see the progress that you've made over time.