Ella Meredith


Bachelor of Design Exhbition and Event Design Interior Design Retail Experience Community Imagined Futures Narrative
AD23 Award
Artichoke Award
For outstanding Interior Design

A transition between two states.

Much like the characters suspended between comic panels, students and emerging artists exist in the comic gutter. A space of almost. Delicately balanced on the edge of something. Caught in this moment between the next.

Cusp is a testament to the transformative power of the “in-between,” a space where potential thrives, growth is tangible, and narratives are created. The proposed store becomes a platform for artists and designers to share their journeys and events and workshops become a stage for narratives of artistic development.

Alongside comics, a selection of student-made products and prints will be available to purchase while also holding events, workshops and regular art exhibitions that will feature local emerging artists and student work from nearby schools and universities.

Cusp, in essence, serves as a bridge to guide students and emerging artists from one moment to the next.