Solomon McCarthy Savila

Full Circle

Bachelor of Design Slow fashion Soft tailoring Upcycling - repurposing Craft Sustainable practices The past reimagined
AD23 Award
Charles Parsons Award
For excellence in sustainable Fashion Design

This body of work explores the value of artisanal craft and the aesthetics of historic garment design from the perspective of a contemporary fashion designer. As technological advancements render human artists obsolete in a system centered around product and profit, taking a step back and looking at the long history of garment construction prior to its relationship to capitalism can give us perspective on the importance of artisans in the production of clothing. We have reached a point where the fashion industry represents the ugliest and most unethical aspects of capitalism when it comes to exploitation of human labour, environmental resources, class divide, excess consumption, etc. This work is focused on repositioning clothing as art instead of product, and the ways in which we can engage with fashion in positive and productive ways.