Brooklyn Boyed

Garden Feelings

Bachelor of Visual Arts Painting Ecology and Sustainability Place

Spring Arrival

Moments of joyful solitude, of nurturing, of harvest. My paintings are a seasonal display of my garden, where it’s ever-changing state is a constant cycle of new inspiration and potential.

When the seeds that I sowed began sprouting in the greenhouse during the late winter I began sketching. As the seedlings grew, I developed my ideas into palpable concepts.

Spring blooms brought a celebratory nature to my works. The solemn feeling of waiting for Spring had passed. Instead, my paintings started to lean into the bursts of life. My garden has become my muse.

Studying permaculture philosophies for my own garden has changed the way I see my paintings. Techniques like companion planting have taught me that not every painting has to do everything. Each one could explore a singular idea and could do it to such an extent that it can sit on its own. It also, though, could sit beside the other ideas as they bolster each other, and companion painting my ideas can create a lush display.