Alessandra Mayo

Gutter art

Bachelor of Design Exhbition and Event Design Experience Design Spatial Narrative Education Materiality Story-telling

Exterior visualization
AD23 Award
Outstanding Y3 Project
For excellence in Spatial Design

A gallery and retail experience celebrating manga art practices.

Gutter Art is a 24-hour gallery space designed to celebrate the process of immersive story telling through expressive line drawings, known as manga. The phrase “gutter art” describes art that sits outside the accepted conventions of typical art practices. Similar to “gutter art,” manga is an undervalued and suppressed art form entrenched within consumer culture. Set against the backdrop of retail Newmarket, Gutter Art is a space that invites the visitor to experience manga in its deconstructed form. A journey through intricate layers of manga will find you immersed within expressive pencil sketches, storyboards, and ink drawings, through to the final published product on display. Suspended between floor and ceiling, perforated wooden screens obscure the manga that lines the gallery walls; a representation of the artists who are hidden behind their work. The published manga are displayed within handcrafted ceramic ‘gutters,’ offering a moment for individual reflection, repositioning manga as an art form.