Ava Rawson

Hungry Minds

Bachelor of Design Illustration Packaging Education Food Health and wellbeing


How branding and communication design can educate students on the importance of a healthy diet for academic performance.

This project considers how branding can educate students on the importance of a healthy diet for academic performance. Using Communication design to create a brand identity, designed to educate teenagers and students on the importance of a nutritious diet for academic performance and encourage healthier food choices. Recognising the challenges that students face when trying to implement healthy meals within their busy schedules, this product serves as a valuable tool in creating an accessible solution to encourage healthier eating. Hungry Minds is a healthy meal kit, full of nutrients and fresh ingredients that help cognitive brain functions such as concentration and creativity. It is a convenient, accessible and inexpensive solution. In recent years, studies have shown there to be an evident relationship between diet and academic performance amongst students. Due to an increase in affordable and convenient processed meal options, students face a decline in cognitive brain functions used when studying, such as concentration and motivation, resulting in poorer quality of learning and life. However, this can be prevented with an increased intake of healthy nutrients, found in fresh ingredients. Using digital illustration, product design and branding to create a meal kit brand made to improve cognitive brain functions and educate an audience, catered towards students.