Brianna Ching

In The Making

Bachelor of Design Analogue Printmaking Publication Craft Identity Well-being

Exploring a personal artistic manifesto through handmade image-making using mixed media materials.

In The Making is a personal artistic manifesto in response to creatives and individuals who feel out-of-touch with themselves and their practice. The artist manifesto explores areas of self-reflection, validation and guidance to nurture their creative being through creative ruts capsulized within a handmade book. In a society over-consumed by digital platforms and perfectness lies the loss of significance of the physical. Creatives in this generation surrounded by noise and expectations, develop feelings of self-doubt, loss of self and imposter syndrome. Using methods of mixed-media and image-making, individuals are encouraged to resonate with the book content and admire the authenticity and technique. The intentional significance of the design outcome is aimed to connect individuals to physical ways of making, as well as looking beyond the surface. The book seeks to resonate and motivate new, young or existing creatives on their journeys.