Rio Lee

Ink - Fusion

Bachelor of Design App Exhbition and Event Design Experience Design Activism Performance Social Innovation
AD23 Award
The Space InBetween Award
For innovation in Interaction Design

An event dedicated to inspiring young adults and challenging negative stereotypes about tattoos, fostering constructive change

Individuals' choices and techniques of expressing their beauty are changing quickly in tandem with society's ongoing development. These days, everyone is free to express their beauty in whatever way they see fit and can offer their own ideas of what beauty looks like from a variety of angles. The concept of tattooing is becoming more and more popular worldwide as more individuals utilise it as a platform for their identity, beauty, or message. This is especially true in other developed nations like America, where tattooing is viewed as a way for people to express their unique meaning and as an artistic form that symbolises them. However, attitudes towards tattoos are still frequently seen negatively in Asian nations, particularly Korea and Japan. particularly by older generations, as the majority of tattoos are used as a symbol of gang affiliation.

My project overcomes misconceptions about Asian tattoos and focuses on young people assimilating into society at large. Those who deviate from conventional notions of beauty may find mainstream standards uncomfortable. With a virtual reality catwalk that integrates tattoos, "Ink Fusion" honours both tattoos and fashion.