Joan Merced


Bachelor of Design Design for Health & Wellbeing Interaction Design Product Design Culture Food Health and wellbeing
AD23 Award
Toi Māia Award
For cultural contribution to mātauranga Māori and indigenous knowledge

An automated, tangible “cookbook”, that personifies the qualities of a Grandma.

To lose your mother tongue is to lose a culture. To lose your culture is to lose identity and belonging. You begin to lose traditional practices,generational knowledge and the arts and crafts.The loss of societies mean the loss of history and global diversity.

Lola (Grandma) is an AI electronic cooking assistant. She is the personification of a Filipino grandmother, talking to you like how a grandma would when cooking together. Lola creates an enhanced cultural experience through her immediate environment. The environment is to be enjoyable, nostalgic, educational and most importantly; a healing experience for those who miss home.

Sharing meals and eating food from your culture transcends human sustenance. The act of eating, sharing, promoting connections, creating memories and contributing to our physical and mental well-being. Food is a culmination of tradition, culture, art, knowledge and history. Food is a celebration and reflection of the values that each culture holds.