Thomas Masters


Bachelor of Design Web Design Experience Design Community Social Ecology and Sustainability
AD24 Award
Toi Māia Award
For Cultural Contribution to Mātauranga Māori and Indigenous Knowledge


Mihi explores how digital design can inspire deeper connections with nature. Fostering lasting environmental awareness among young adults. Created as a web-based platform, Mihi draws on my experiences growing up with strong ecological ties and addresses a gap I noticed in my generation’s connection to the natural world. The project was directed towards vicenarians who may feel disconnected from environmental issues but seek meaningful ways to engage with them.

Using interactive design techniques, I crafted an engaging interface encouraging users to view environmental issues as a shared responsibility rather than an individual burden. Through a digital catalogue of resources, tools, and reflections, Mihi invites users to experience a liminal space—one that exists between digital interaction and environmental appreciation, helping guide a personal interest and a deeper understanding of one’s role in ecological sustainability.

This project aims to make environmental accountability accessible and inviting, encouraging users to recognise their role in their local and global environment. In doing so, Mihi contributes a fresh perspective to digital activism, fostering a community-driven approach to sustainability.