Yijun Lu

My feeling about love

Bachelor of Visual Arts Photography LGBTQI

Silent Struggles

While China has undergone significant reforms and opened up to the world for many years, it's important to acknowledge that attitudes toward homosexuality remain conservative for many Chinese parents. Although they might not explicitly express homosexuality as bad, they often vehemently oppose their children being gay. Some parents may even erroneously consider homosexuality a form of mental illness.

In response to this challenging reality, I decided to create a story about two gay lovers who found happiness in each other's company. However, societal pressures and parental expectations eventually forced them to separate. They both followed their parents' wishes and entered relationships with men, conforming to what society deemed "normal." This narrative reflects the painful journey many LGBTQ+ individuals face in the context of family expectations and societal norms.

My aspiration for this work is to provide a source of inspiration and strength for those struggling with similar circumstances. I hope to encourage individuals to stay true to their own feelings and not abandon their loved ones, even in the face of parental opposition.