Rachel Kittner

Mycelium Ex'Spore'ation

Bachelor of Design Design for Health & Wellbeing Design for Sustainability Material Driven Design Innovation Materials Sustainability

Inspiring Designers, Manufacturers, and People in Aotearoa to explore the use of mycelium biomaterials in order to decrease negative material effects and to reconnect people to nature.

Biofabrication is the act of growing products. One type of biomaterial which is being explored around the world is Mycelium - the root structure of fungus. It possesses traits like strength and resistance to water and fire, and is known as 'Nature's Glue' - binding materials together as it grows. Mycelium offers itself as a resource for designers to operate within our natural systems.

I was drawn towards the challenge of designing out the plastic mold typically used to grow mycelium in, and replacing it with a biodegradable one. Here I have tested growing mycelium in a variety of materials and forms. My hope is that what I have learned will help others on the same path and will inspire more mycelium biomaterial production in Aotearoa.

You can see the tests and findings from my project, along with a Grow it Yourself video, at this link - www.sites.google.com/view/myceliumexsporeation/

Big Thank You to the people who supported this project - Jess, James, and Lenny at BioFab. My lecturers, Galina, and the Wonderful Workshop staff at AUT. And my little brother Danny.

This project was in Partnership with BioFab. To order a Grow It Yourself bag, contact info@biofab.co.nz