Jessie Oliver

Nature's Energy

Bachelor of Visual Arts Painting Ecology and Sustainability Narrative Place

Take a journey through the atmosphere, memory, and movement of landscapes with oil paint. Striking a balance between naturalism and abstract expressionism, I employ colour, imagery, and brushwork to create a lyrical style. Nature has consistently inspired me, and my art often draws from real-world photos and memories. I craft my own painted reality, bridging my surroundings with the landscapes of Aotearoa. My process involves starting with mini studies and relying on memory rather than direct imagery, exploring the selective nature of recollection. I have moved away from realism, embracing colour theories, retraction of information and unique mark-making of pushing and moving paint. My artistic approach is intuitive, driven by emotion and a connection to nature. I aim to immerse viewers in these surreal settings, creating a sense vision to surround them with nature.