Synopsis: At 29 years of age, Leauanae Aniva Epati was placed with the responsibility by her Mother of leaving behind her family in the rural villages of Samoa to move to the inner city suburbs of Auckland, New Zealand. Carrying the burden and responsibility of her whole family, this film illuminates the story of a woman’s vigorous strength and determination to plant the seeds of a new life in a foreign country. In establishing a place for the rest of her family to move to; Epati, now in her 80s, has built and fostered a foundation for the 3 generations after her.
This project explores and utilises film as a medium for the documentation of family history and Samoan Oral Tradition. It seeks to portray the significance of these concepts in shaping personal identity, by drawing from the perspective of the immigrant experience. Through such documentation, this project advocates for the preservation of oral traditions and familial histories as essential components of cultural identity in an increasingly globalised world.