Nikita Emma Hesketh


Bachelor of Visual Arts Moving Image Photography Art & Technology Material Thinking Performativity
AD23 Award
Aries Sculpure Award & Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki Awards
Year 3 award for Excellence in Sculpture & For excellent performance


SE(M)POIESIS is relational, making-with. Using the Scanning Electron Microscope SE(M) I zoom into the microworlds holding conversations, dust, and bodies of movements discarded to fall and sit on a inconspicuous sample.

I make-with the SE(M). The SE(M) beams electrons onto the sample, feeling where the electrons bounce off to create an image for us to see.
When the sample is not conductive enough, a phenomenon happens called charging. Electrons build up, causing the camera to wiggle, images to glitch, organic structures to wither, and the sample’s sputter coating to crack.

The SE(M) is making-with the sample. These entangled moments of charge turn the sample into an artifact: tiny sculptures of electrons bound to dust.