Bianca Wood

Stitch Up

Bachelor of Design App Interaction Service UI UX Community Sustainability Technology User-centred

A service encouraging eco-friendly fashion practices

The fashion industry is one of the world's major polluters, responsible for approximately 10% of carbon emissions worldwide. In the past two decades, there has been a significant increase in the purchases of clothes but a reduction in the lifespan of their wear, leading to large amounts of textiles ending up in landfills. Findings from user interviews reveal people don't shop for secondhand clothes as much due to a lack of clothing in their size.

To combat this waste and consumption issue, I've created an app service that encourages a reusable, circular approach to clothing consumption. This service repurposes old textiles into new garments, lessening the fashion industry's environmental impact. The app provides personalised tools and resources for sustainable practices such as upcycling, donating, and a customisable clothing feature that sources old textiles tailored to fit, all while promoting social awareness around these initiatives. This app encourages individuals to make eco-conscious fashion choices while creating unique pieces for their wardrobe. Implementing this service can significantly extend the lifespan of existing textiles, reduce textile waste and pave the way for a more sustainable future towards clothing consumption.