Cherise Cheung

Using Nostalgic Illustration (懷舊藝術) and Poetry

Master of Design Communication Design Publication
AD23 Award
The Best Awards

To stimulate a sense of cultural connection

This practice-led, artistic project asks,

How might poetry and illustration that engages with the Chinese phenomenon of 懷舊藝術 (nostalgic art) be employed to suggest a sense of cultural belonging?

Drawing inspiration from the work of 熬路 Ao Liu, in the study, I design a distinctive, poetic travelogue titled  忘歸(The Melancholic Traveller). Reflecting on ‘日常生活’ (engagement with the everyday), the project demonstrates how one might engage a particular form of contemporary Chinese illustration, poetry and traditional book design to awaken nostalgic desires and elevate a sense of cultural connection for a diasporic Chinese readership.