Jacky Alex Jones


Bachelor of Design 2D animation 3D animation Character Animation Rotoscoping Visual Effects Autobiographic Narrative Oneiric


A man finds himself plagued with a strange series of coincidences reflecting the rights and wrongs of his actions. Troubled by the seeming lost of a loved one, he fails to grasp the severity of the scattering of his moral compass, disassociating from the world around oneself: that is, until karma comes to pay him a visit.

Equilibre is a personal exploration on how one might visualise/personify karma, and thus its relation to an individual. Using VFX we chose to create a vessel for this phenomenon to present itself in the very real, relatable world one lives in;  and 2D animation to visualise the dream-state, allowing viewers a glimpse into the mind of someone who is clouded by personal hardship and thus may not be thinking so clearly when it comes to facilitating "right" and "wrong" actions. My theory question I posed alongside the production of this capstone was "how could the contrast between digital mediums of animation and live action complement one another in a way that would evoke a sense of nostalgia and renewed memory?"; and I had a lot of fun not only upskilling my digital design capabilities, but putting them into a context where I felt I could create a short film that people could see themselves in on a more intimate scale, blurring the traditionally posed lines between visual effects and reality.