30m² enacts as the surface, the perimeter that has been allocated, the boundary in which material matter infects the space. The body only holds so much.
Visualising the interplay between trace, body and their structures, alternative bodily configurations are formed as new inter-material relationships are reconstituted. With their traces, fragments and texts continuously cast within each other, this active tension between the partial and whole oscillates- as differences between the fragment and body, trace and origin, or text and textuality become harder to decipher.
There is a dissonance in these (e)motions, as slippages within these binaries reveal the limitations of language. Suggesting how we operate moves beyond the systems we have constructed; the tensions within the body here act as markers, indicators, of the parameters within these systems.
Crossing the margins of the porous body their breaches seem foreign. As tender sensations impress on us, material interrelations and contents are promptly pooled into various organisational systems — sifted and shifted until expelled, they make room for more.