Jiaying Li

Work wave

Bachelor of Design Experience Design Illustration Interaction UI UX Web Social Storytelling

Balancing mobile phone use and work efficiency for remote workers

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, remote work has become essential. It offers time-saving benefits, inclusivity, and environmental advantages by reducing travel. However, distractions, especially mobile phones, can hinder productivity.

My project explored the challenges faced by remote workers in maintaining productivity and focus while working from home. I considered the impact of mobile phone distractions and their role in reducing efficiency.

Mobile phones have become an integral part of our daily lives, often tempting employees to distract themselves with social media content during work hours, like watching entertainment videos or shopping online. For employees working remotely without direct supervision, they may be more susceptible to the lure of their mobile phones. Therefore, this underscores the importance of managing mobile phone usage to maintain work efficiency.

To address this challenge, I propose the development of a laptop application designed to assist remote workers in organizing their tasks and setting reasonable reminders to enhance their efficiency. Additionally, incorporating a reward system can help increase employee engagement with the application. This tool will enable users to clearly define their tasks, identify optimal working hours, and choose efficient working methods. By doing so, individuals can concentrate on their work, boost productivity, and strike a better balance between work and personal activities.