Hsin-Ju Hsieh

'Zoom in' Let's see what is Zhuyin. 「注意」,關於注音。

Bachelor of Design Illustration Typography Cultural History Culture


Using typography to uncover Taiwanese language culture.

My project ‘Zoom in’, Let’s see what is Zhuyin 「注意」,關於注音 is a type-specimen book design for adult English users and Taiwanese readers. Through bilingual content and communication, it introduces the unique phonetic system of Taiwanese called Zhuyin. Featuring the Taiwanese official typeface DFKai-SB(TC) as the primary medium, the work explores various perspectives on the history, structure, pronunciation, and application of Zhuyin.

Inspired by Taiwanese student notebooks, the book features different paper stocks and varied inserts to create a combination of traditional and contemporary aesthetics. The overlaying transparent inserts as a connection between language and phonetic study and the interactive collateral offers an engaging and fresh experience in language learning by touching and tracing practice within these letters.

By understanding the Zhuyin system, I aimed to gain readers’ attention and curiosity whilst expressing the cultural depth of Traditional Chinese with a new perspective. I hope this work will allow more people to appreciate Taiwanese unique cultural features.