Allen Gao

Anamorphic Amusement

Bachelor of Design Public Space Play Material Imaginaries Film Surface Community
Allen Gao (2020). Dwelling with the intervention.
AD20 Award
Outstanding Y3 Project
For excellence in Spatial Design

A Fort Lane intervention that entertains the walking experience.

Fort Lane is no longer a protagonist in the play of Auckland. The past luxury props, glamorous costumes, and exuberance have been buried by clutter and obscured by involuntary routines. Entertainment, which exists as a means of temporary escape, interrupts this monotonous pattern. How could we make Aucklanders' walking experience on Fort Lane entertaining again, even if for a few moments while passing through? The excitement of going to a cinema has provided the model for my proposed intervention. With deconstructed cinematic features installed along the laneway, traversing Fort Lane would become playful and amusing. Fort Lane at the heart of Tāmaki Makaurau deserves this charismatic veil.

Anamorphic Amusement is a project returns entertainment to the experience of traversing Fort Lane. I see entertainment as a temporary escape from the monotone. It holds the attention and interest of spectators and gives pleasure and delight. Amusement could have a series of purposes, and it has a strong association with some common understanding of playful elements. An audience may play a passive role, sitting still, watching, and listening. But entertainment can also be active: walking on a street is a spontaneous and unscripted performance. My concept scripts the walking experience of Fort Lane by installing ornamental elements as architectural. Anamorphic format is a cinematic technique of shooting widescreen content on standard film media which distorts the picture temporarily. This cinematic term became a crucial metaphor for me in the formation of my light-hearted additions.