Chloe Vega

Behind the Scene

Bachelor of Design Editorial Publication Typography Print Community engagement Collaborative Storytelling Education

What does a diverse creative process look like for multidisciplinary artists?

Behind the Scene is an urban magazine exploring the creative minds of multidisciplinary artists through art, design, music, dance, fashion, technology and culture. Discovering the interactive paths of different disciplines to inform the creatives mind, which in time forms the art its self.

In an interview by Anjelica Angwin, Parris Goebel explains all forms of artwork together. Justifying that music needs dance and vice versa. Identifying the connection allows for a better-designed outcome. The magazine aims to help creatives develop their process, help outsiders understand a piece of work better, and inform aspiring creative minds to spark a new, world-leading idea. Intended for multidisciplined artists of any experience.

The concept of overlapping is explored through the consistencies of paper stock, photo treatment, and type. Informed by my passion for dance and design, and the developing layers of knowledge and experience building my creative process.

Behind the Scene is for the creative minds, with a passion for all things art. My aim for the project as a dancer, designer, and educator, was to highlight the complex process of a dance routine eventuating. Dance is a movement, an art, and a vessel for culture. It’s abstract, and to the blind eye, it looks relatively simple to some. When creating a dance I take an organic approach with experimentation being at the heart of my process.

Applying this approach to my usually methodical and structured design process, allowed me to break away from my unsuccessful default designs, and achieve a more successful and dynamic output.

When wearing multiple hats for a project – director, dancer, choreographer, and editor – research in these different fields becomes holistic. This research allowed me to understand how diverse areas of expertise can come together to solve complex design problems. The magazine allows me to uncover and integrate the skills and methodology of creative minds from multiple disciplines into a collaborative output. Behind the Scene aims to help other creatives to develop their creative process and inform outsider’s understanding and appreciation for design.

Working on this project has forced me to deconstruct and evaluate my creative process to reveal my strengths and weakness as a multidisciplined artist. I’ve learned that design has a common language, and both graphic design and dance have similar qualities. Design elements like layout, contrast, and pattern are present in all design fields and serve as the tools designers use to emphasise aspects of their work.

Not only a dancer, nor a designer, I am a creative with a wide range of interests and an understanding of how diverse areas of expertise can come together to solve complex design problems.

“Parris Goebel is Democratising Dance”