The works included in (S)CRY are driven by a specific and limited group of materials; clay (ceramics), gladwrap, a plastic tablecloth, metal strap, concrete, plaster. The surfaces of the materials unsettle and disturb each other, while the objects also interact by bracing and bolstering each other through layered assemblages. Beneath the surface tension of the materials is a structural integrity that informs the bend and bow of the objects as they find their relationship with gravity. The gladwrap’s capacity to hold is in question as it cradles the fragile ceramic objects. The combination of the objects is simultaneously symbiotic and disharmonious, and each work has a distinct register of fragility. Plastic triggers a disparate dynamic in league with the ceramic objects; the gladwrap is stretchy and yielding, while the ceramic vessels lack pliability and are in their final form lest they fall and shatter.